Basic Health Screening:
College Clinic offers a basic health screening service with the nurse for £200. This includes the following:
- Medical history questionairre
- Consultation with practice nurse
- Lifestyle modification discussion
- Height, weight, body mass index ( BMI)
- Peak flow
- Blood pressure
- Blood tests (fasting)
- Urinalysis
- Cardiac risk assessment + ECG
40 minute appointment with the Practice Nurse. Fasting blood tests can be done at the same time if appointment booked for the morning.
It is possible to add an ECG, hearing test or lung function test to this medical if you wish, at extra cost.
Discounts are available on group bookings. Please phone the Clinic for further information.
Comprehensive Health Screening:
College Clinic is also pleased to offer a more comprehensive health screening service. We help you to understand your health and the ways in which it can be improved and maintained by addressing lifestyle issues.
We offer two types of comprehensive health screen: Well-Man and
Well-Woman Screening
Well-Man and Well-Woman Screening
This includes the following:
Well-Man – £250
- Well-Man questionnaire
- Consultation with a highly qualified and experienced doctor
- Height and weight measurements
- Body fat percentage
- Body mass index
- Lifestyle Modification Discussion
- Blood pressure check
- Urinalysis
- Blood tests (fasting)
- Testicular examination and instruction to self-examine
- Cardiac Risk Assessment + Resting ECG
- Written report of findings and recommendations with test results and their meaning explained
Well-Man Plus – £385
Includes all of the above plus a full Urology check up and scan with Consultant Urologist (£135)
Well-Woman – £250
- Well-Woman questionnaire
- Consultation with a highly qualified and experienced doctor
- Height and weight measurements
- Body fat percentage
- Body mass index
- Lifestyle Modification Discussion
- Blood pressure check
- Urinalysis
- Blood tests (fasting)
- Breast examination and instruction to self-examine
- Cardiac Risk Assessment + Resting ECG
- Written report of findings and recommendations with test results and their meaning explained
Well-Woman Plus – £450
Includes all of the above plus a full Gynaecology check up and scan with a Consultant in Obstetrics and gynaecology (£200)
All screenings can be individually tailored and further tests can be requested by the examining Doctor/Nurse if required, at further cost.
Our Practice Nurses are available for:
- General Advice
- Travel Advice
- Blood pressure measurements
- Injections and dressings
- Electrocardiograms (ECG tests)
- Computerised Spirometry tests
- Audiometry
- Pregnancy testing
- Urinalysis
- Phlebotomy (blood taking)
- Travel vaccines
- Blood tests
- Childhood Immunisation
Travel Clinic
It pays to be well informed about your destination/s so that you can plan a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Our travel clinic provides up to date information on vaccine requirements, malaria prevention, other infection risks and general health advice specific to your destination. The College Clinic is a Yellow Fever vaccintaion centre approved byt the World Health Organisation.
It is always best to arrange to have your vaccines well in advance of your departure date, as it takes time for your body to develop the necessary antidodies to the diseases. Although we have a large number of vaccines in stock some may need to be specially ordered.
Health Screening
A general assessment of your current health status. Aimed at those who rarely need to visit their doctor but want to know that all is well- an MOT for the health conscious.
Includes a Nurse consultation, Blood tests, Height, Weight, Body Mass Indicator, Blood Pressure, Urinalysis, Cardiac Risk Assessment.
You will be sent a printed report with your results and recommendations
NB.. This provides SCREENING ONLY and does not offer diagnosis of any kind.
Consultation Times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Travel Clinic & Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre
There are a host of diseases that do not occur within our usual environment that we may encounter when we travel to exotic destinations.
Wherever possible we would suggest forward planning and adequate research into the area that you intend to visit. Some destinations are also politically unstable so you need to keep up to date with information on that country. Our travel clinic help you with this.
Our Travel Clinic will provide up-to-date information regarding:
- Necessary vaccines for any destination
- Anti malarial prophylaxis
- Travel advice
Planning a trip:
Plan well in advance so that you have time to buy any necessary requirements such as mosquito nets, insect repellents, special clothing or medication.
You may need a course of vaccines given over a period of time or the vaccine you require may need to be ordered especially so you should try to allow at least 6 weeks before departure.
Please bring with you as much information about your trip as possible, for example: the countries you are visiting, how long you are staying in each area and any planned excursions, even if only a day trip. This will enable us to give you the benefit of our full and professional advice service.
Make sure you have sufficient and appropriate travel insurance. We recommend ‘A La Carte International Health Travel Insurance’ details of which you will find on our website
Find out as much information about your destination(s) as you can, such as local laws and customs. The agent you booked your holiday with should be able to help with some information or alternatively, you could search the internet. Two very good sites are the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and Fit for Travel
What should I do next?
Phone us and make an appointment for a ‘travel consultation’.
Any concerns you have can be discussed during the consultation and up to date information provided on all of your travel destinations. Vaccinations can be given and we can also dispense antimalarial drugs, if required.
Whenever possible we will try to satisfy all your travel needs in the one visit.
All of the information regarding your vaccines is kept on our data base and is easily accessible should reference to it be needed at a later date . You will be issued with a vaccine booklet detailing the vaccines you have had. We have a recall system to remind you when a booster for a vaccine is due whether it is 6 months or several years.
Some people prefer to risk travelling without the necessary vaccines or antimalarial medication but this really is not to be recommended. It is not cost-effective as treatment for the preventable diseases can be expensive and hazardous even if you do not consider the cost to your health and holiday experience.
College Clinic also offers:
Flu vaccines:
These are available from September to March annually. Please phone for a
‘Flu Vaccine’ appointment.
Childhood Vaccines:
British or Spanish vaccine schedules available.
Cervical Cancer Prevention (HPV) Vaccines:
For girls from 9 years of age.
Please see our website
Please telephone +350 200 77777 or email us at if you
wish to make an appointment.
If there is an ill yachtperson on board who wishes to see a doctor, please contact the Port Health Officer (Dr Joanna Shelley, Regal House, Queensway) tel 200 77777 (office hours) or via the Port Office tel 200 77272 who will beep the duty Port Health Officer. If it is an urgent call during non-office hours, call Gibraltar Port Ch 16. State in the message whether it is an accident or an illness. Urgency invariably means life saving.
Whenever possible, it is medically better (and cheaper) to come ashore to the Clinic which is open 08.00 – 20.00 Mondays – Fridays (please note early closing on Tuesday at 19.00 and late opening on Wednesday at 09.00).
Appointments are given to all visiting yachtpersons on the same day. If vaccinations etc are required, please state the type and number needed when making the appointment. Patients requiring specialist treatment or hospital admission will be advised accordingly after consultation and there are a number of specialists working out of the clinic.
Dr Shelley is the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Approved Doctor and is authorised to perform ENG medical. She can also perform Norwegian Maritime Directorate medicals. For seafarers without a GP in Gibraltar, she can also perform ML5 medicals.
Fluent English and Spanish are spoken but if you do not speak either language please bring an interpreter with you.