Your Shipping Lifeline

College Clinic provides emergency and routine medical attention to seafarers transiting through the Port of Gibraltar. We have a team of doctors who are experienced and trained in shipping medical case management, including attendance on board for emergency extraction of critically ill or injured patients from the vessel to our local medical facilities. Our doctors will also attend on board for minor conditions because we know that time is of the essence.

Our team of doctors is backed up by a wide range of Specialist Doctors such as Surgeons, Trauma & Orthopaedics, Radiologist, ENT, Psychiatrist, Gastroenterologist and Cardiologist. We also offer comprehensive ancillary services as well as having strong alliances with reputable and well-respected hospitals. The College Clinic provides the most comprehensive service to seafarers with medical needs visiting Gibraltar.

The College Clinic has a well-appointed facility designed so that patients can be attended in comfort and safety. We operate within an ISO 9001 quality management system, and this is extended to include a robust clinical governance system ensuring that all our doctors work within an environment that demands the highest standards, ultimately overseen by the UK’s General Medical Council. Ethics and compassion are the cornerstone of our work.


  • Emergency pre-hospital and routine care
  • Unparalleled network of specialists
  • Coordination with all stakeholders
  • Repatriation assistance
  • MCA approved ENG medicals


For more information, contact us on


and the ones you love with whatever your healthcare needs and requirements are.